National Youth Settlement Framework Training

Help refugee and migrant youth thrive in Australia with the revamped National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF)! Multicultural Youth Queensland (MYQ) will be delivering the  most recent edition of the framework on Tuesday, May 25 at the Access Gateway.

The NYSF remains Australia’s first and only evidence-based national guide to benchmark good practice with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds – and is the only one of its kind globally.

While the core of the NYSF remains unchanged, the latest 2020 edition includes updated and new content – including a section on youth work in Australia and three new Good Practice Capabilities.

The training is a one-day session, held at our Gateway, delivered face-to-face and targeted to staff and volunteers from government and non-government organisations in Queensland. It is for those who seek to strengthen their knowledge and practice supporting young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

The training explores:

  • How practitioners and policy-makers can incorporate the framework into their work, including using Framework Assessment Tools,
  • Factors contributing to good settlement outcomes for young people
  • Good practice in facilitating active citizenship.

To register, click here.